When it was time for me to get my own apartment, my parents were pretty supportive. Some parents have a hard time letting their children go, but eventually everyone has to leave the nest. It would have been even nicer if my parents agreed to pay my rent for a few months, but I guess you can’t always get everything that you want in life. My mom suggested that I take a look at the luxury apartments near Ballantyne NC. I wasn’t looking for anything in a luxury setting, but I was willing to give it a shot if I could find a good place.
Upon looking in Ballantyne, I found some pretty nice luxury apartments. The price was a little more than I was used to from seeing the normal apartments, so I called one of my cousins and asked him if he wanted to rent the apartment with me. I remembered that the was living at home, and thought about moving into his own apartment for a while, but didn’t have enough money at the time to really get anything he wanted. This was a good chance for us to both get what we wanted, while moving out on own.
As soon as my cousin and I signed the lease, we started moving our things into the apartment. My parents helped me move my items, and his parents helped him move his. While our parents were happy to see us getting our own place, they warned us about having parties at all hours of the night and coming in late. I guess no matter how old you get, your parents will always watch over you and try to make sure that you don’t do anything that will get you into trouble. I guess it’s the best that any child can hope for in life.