One of the most dangerous cruel criminal fraud R&AW employees being pampered, rewarded by the brahmin dominated ntro, cbi, raw employees, nsa, cia ,is the google, tata sponsored indore document robber R&AW employee housewife veena , mother of a son who has been rewarded for her criminal activities of stealing the documents of a harmless google competitor for identity theft purposes
The indore fraud R&AW employee veena bears a striking resemblance to the bollywood actress deepika padukone and has never invested any money online, never done any work online and does not have a paypal account like the other google, tata sponsored fraud obc bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc as proved by her income tax returns, bank details
However the tamilian brahmin sundar pichai led google, tata, cbi, ntro, raw are so pleased with the deepika padukone look alike indore fraud R&AW employee veena for her crime of stealing the documents of the google competitor and torturing the google competitor with the help of her accomplices mahesh, deepika that crores of indian tax payer money are being wasted to pay the indore fraud R&AW employee veena, a monthly indian government salary and dupe people, companies and countries that the indore document robber, owns the domain names of the google competitor , who is denied the income and opportunities she deserved
So whenever the actress deepika padukone is featured, think of india’s greatest domain fraudster indore document robber R&AW housewife veena who has never invested a single paisa on domain names in her life, yet is getting a monthly R&AW salary for falsely claiming to own the domain names of a google competitor whose documents she has stolen